Preventive Annual Exams

Preventive Annual Exams: Stay Ahead of Your Health

Once a year it is recommended for all patients to have a visit with your doctor to help prevent health problems before they start. This visit is called your preventive annual exam. Early detection of illness increases the chances of successful treatment. During your preventive exam, we’ll review your medical history, lifestyle, and perform necessary screenings based on your age and risk factors which may include labs and referrals.

Insurance covers your annual wellness visit 100% so you won’t have a copay or deductible.

Preventive Annual Exams

Your exam may include:

Make it a habit—schedule your exam around your birthday for an easy reminder each year!

Medicare Wellness Annual Exams

For patients age 65 and older, Medicare requires patients to see their provider once a year for a Medicare Wellness appointment. This appointment is designed to perform a number of screening tests, review your medications and medical history. The Medicare Wellness exam does not include labs or a physical exam as is typical of other preventive visits. For patients coming for a Medicare Wellness exam they will be asked to arrive early to complete additional paperwork.

For patients 65 and older your visit may include: 

  • Medication list review
  • Review of medical diagnosis
  • Screening for memory loss
  • Screening for depression
  • Advanced directive discussion
  • Mobility evaluation